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December 2024 Update
1 minute read

We are back and better than ever! We will be launching ItherioMC just in time for Christmas. You can log into the servers on December 21, 2024 at 3:30PM EST. The first 30 players to login will receive not only a FREE random rank, but free items in-game via our CRATES. You will receive 1 Mythical Crate per hour for the first 72 hours you are online, yes this includes as afk but remember if you AFK in game you will get booted unless you are in the AFK ZONE. 

ALL ranks will be given RANDOMLY to players who join our server, we will be giving 6 of each to players who join. We have 5 premium ranks all with unique perks to enhance your game play. 

We will only have Abyss Realm at this current time due to the high amount of time it takes to put effort and give you good content. We will keep updates if the launch date happens more soon than the 21st, but that is our tentative date!